Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!

Shocking I know....I am on before a month has passed since the last post. Work is going great, I Suppose....

I am finished house sitting and back home now.

We had a wonderful Christmas season with family and friends. Sadly we didn't get to see all we wanted to or be with all that we ususally do but it was rewarding in itself being with those we love.

Hopes for the new year?

Peace, love, and that to much to ask for?

Peace in my life and heart....

Love of life and spirit......

Hapiness in all aspects...

Wishing each of you a happy healthy new year blessed with all of God's Blessings.

good bye 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Since i have been reminded that it has been over a month since i was last on here and needed to post here goes nothing!

We had a wonderful little snow and ice storm at the begining of the month. I made it to work both days thank you very much. Then a coworker tried to make me feel guilty because i made it and she and several others didn't. Excuse me, I didn't see them send the company name across the top or bottom of our tv screen so that means go to work. Company let us go home early the first day and fed us both days. Cassie and Kelly were both out of school so they got to play in it(cassie went sledding with a friend and well kelly refrained from making face first snow angels-long story).

Shortly after the snowstorm, i started house sitting for my adoptive mom. She went to Wyoming to see her youngest daughter graduate from college with her doctorate degree and then to help her move to Utah for her new job and to be with her thru the Christmas holiday.

So i should be home by New years!

Work has been a little crazy but going good,company was very good to us this year for Christmas, and we had a nice big company Employees Christmas party on tuesday of this week. For those that know her Janie wrote the skit and well let's just say it was hilarious. Acme Holiday decorating by Bots and Company

Mom had a birthday on the 14th. we all met and had dinner and then i came back up here and they went back that way and she opened her presents at home. i still haven't seen what all she has received. Then yesterday was the brat's birthday. She is my brat and always will be. The baby turned 15. 15 years ago it was sleeting and icing and snowing. 15 years ago you could get Arby's 5 roast beef sandwiches for $5. i know that is what we had the night she was born. has only gone up $0.95. She got a cell phone for her birthday. not so much for her to gab on but for peace of mind on our parts. we were having problems getting ahold of her when she was at certain friends and that can make you feel uneasy sometimes. She knows with this comes resposibility and if she abuses it then she is going to pay and pay dearly!!! It was funny because you and do a voice record on it and i had sung happy b-day to her (not great by the way) but then i realized you could use that as a ringer, so i set it up to use that and then put it on vibrate and then wrapped it. then when she was opening it grandpa, momma and i all were calling it and it started to ring and move-she about dropped it on the floor. it was so funny. then when she reallized what it was she started jumping up and down and dancing around and hooting and hollering. i think we hit a good gift.

4 more days of shopping madness. do you have yours all done? nope me neither. $$ has been tight for us this year so it is going to be slim pickens this year and besides for me it is never about the gifts. yes it is nice to receive them but it is so much better to be with my family and friends and know that the greatest gift ever given to anyone was done, so lovingly over 2000 years ago. That is all i need to have a good Christmas!

From our house to yours, thru the rain, thru the snow, thru the good and bad, where ever you go, know we wish you and yours the most Blessed of Christmas Season.

Merry Christmas and God's Blessings,

Saturday, November 11, 2006

not quite the end of november yet!!

yea!! I made a post before the end of the month. Cassie went to her Military Ball. I suppose she had an exciting time. She was so pretty! Her hair is on day two. Julie (who did her hair) guaranteed it til at least saturday night.

She got up this morning and her hair is still nice and curly. We have many pictures. Hopefully I can get them printed out and possibly fraimed for her mom and her grandparents. We took Picutures for Tim's mom, they do not have a camera so I played photographer for all!

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Ok since I was prompted by someone to post! here goes!!

1-started out the month with the Czech Fest in Yukon. Cassie had a lock-in at church the night before and well lets just say she was exhausted that afternoon. She couldn't even watch her precious Sooners lose....

2-celebrated another birthday....30 years....big mile stone(or so they say!) I was priviliged enough to receive tickets to two concerts that I had jokingly said I wanted to go to. One was Thursday after my birthday for Def Leppard & Journey and then the other was for Sunday night For Mercy Me and Audio Adreneline. Two different spectrums of the Music world but ask anyone and they will say I listen to anything for the most part............

3-working hard to help Cassie get ready for the Military Ball that she was asked to go to November 10th....Just asked to go this week and now we have to do the dress, shoes, makeup, hair....all of it. My friend Julie is working on getting some dresses that her daughter used so that Cas can try them on, then she is going to do her hair for her, a lady at church is offering to do her make-up. Busy Busy Busy.

4-Made a trip to the northeast yesterday (friday). My great uncle Johnny passed away. So mom and dad, and I went to Sand Springs on friday for the service. He was an awesome man. He was a paratrooper in WWII. Received a purple heart, was an exceptional carpenter, built on a wing to the church when they only had money for supplies, loved the outdoors. He will be missed. He was the youngest of 8 children and the last living of that generation.

5-at work for halloween they have decided to do a group theme. Think little blue people that sing la la lalaalaalaaaaaaaaaa la smurfs.....then if we win anything use it to cut down on the cost of thanksgiving dinner. wait for pictures.

To my friends...I truly missed celebrating with you. It never is the same.

all my love to family and friends. May you know I pray for you and yours and know that He will not give you more than you can handle. He trusts us more than we do ourselves sometimes. Have faith and believe.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Where has the month gone?

Here we are in the last week of the month and what do we have to show for it? An empty cotton candy bag from the fair, Cassie with a tattoo(not real so don't freak out, see if I can get a pic on here later), blue and gold sausage, chicken, and bacon orders all over the place, got a little crafty with my girlfriends and created some awesome things, found out my bestest friend is moving to Utah after she Graduates from the University of Wyoming with her doctorate-gee Dr. Allison Thompson.....sounds weird, for her dream job! Go Allison....I am so proud of you and miss you so much :)

I get to see Alice saturday at a stamp camp and then the month is gone!!

Oh last night we went to see Phillips, Craig, And Dean for a free concert at Mardel's in OKC. It truly was an awesome evening. Cassie was so starstruck. They signed auto-graphs and sang some old stuff along with some new stuff.very very very cool!!!!!!!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday, Monday!!

We had a great weekend. Saturday was nice and warm, but then Sunday was a nice rainy, cool day! A day you could just cat-nap away!! I am so ready for cooler weather.

I should be working on my mailing list for one of the family reunions next summer. This list is for the one I am doing all by my lonesome. Why did I let uncle Randall talk me into doing this next one.....why?? oh yeah because i love my family!! actually I do.

I get to see two of my Girlfriends this weekend. Can't wait to see them. We have all kinds of fun stuff we are going to do...Can't wait to see them. Got plenty of stuff to tell them about work and family, and just can't wait to listen to them!

Cassie brought home her Blue and Gold sausage order form so I guess I get to take it to work to pass around. Fun for me right? well i will sign off for now.

Dear Lord,

Help lead me to do the things that will serve you best and not always serve me best. Help me to Enjoy my loved ones time while they are with me so that I may have memories to treasure when they are not with me. Help me understand Your word better so that I may work better for You. And help me be a better friend for all I come in contact with. Amen

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Down hill slide to the weekend!!

I can honestly say I am so glad the weekend is almost here. Work has been hectic this week.

I thank my lucky stars that I have a good job at a great company but wow! I have had a crash course filling in for one of the girls that has been sick. I am not ready for her to go on vacation yet!

Cassie should soon be selling Blue & Gold sausage products if anyone is interested!! will let you know more soon. have an awesome week!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

back ONLINE!

ok we are back online. the computer is fixed for now. We had to add some more memory. I have been busy working on a mailing list for one of the two reunions I helping with. the one i am working on now is the one i am basically doing by my-self. though kelly is helping a lot. well i will post more later

Friday, August 25, 2006


It has been a long time since I said TGIF and really meant it. If I had another week like this one or even one more day like today, I do believe I would have to check into Norman for a day or two!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm Back

so it is has been a while since I last posted.....and your point is?
let's see:
cassie started back to school!
kelly started back to subbing!
I house sat for my other mommy....and can't forget my adoptive dog Dixie.
I went and saw my friend Alice and her new house in OWASSO....
Was a terrible navigator at first but got us in the right direction on the way home, sorry Crystal!!

Please cooler weather come our way!!! The humidity is a killer!
I am so glad tomorrow is friday!! Work has been very trying this week. Alice you need to come back now!

It's getting late and I need to hit the hay soon. so I will say til next time

Dear Lord,
Give me a few friends who will love me for what I am, and keep ever burning before my vagrant steps the kindly light of hope...And though I come not within sight of the castle of my dreams on earth, teach me to be thankful for life, and for time's olden memories that are good and sweet. And may the evening's twilight find me gentle still. Amen

Saturday, August 12, 2006

weekend wonders

White Water Rafting Well Cassie's float trip was cancelled, so she isn't half-way drowning today. Instead she went to stay with her adoptive sisters till Sunday. Rhiannon's Birthday party is going on and she is half babysitting half having fun.

I finally got to sleep in after not being able to on my day's off. Thanks to Steffanie...yea!

Had to go Wednesday and help mom pick out a new fridge...theirs died...we had a funeral and birth of a new one. We had to say good bye to the Harvest Gold Refridgerator that was bought in 1977 when we moved into our house. That fridge and I have been thru so much ...Crying 2gonna miss it....

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


ok so it isn't that much of a vacation...not going anywhere but I have gotten a lot done today. Cassie woke me up, well asked me to get up to take her to her "boyfriend's" house so she can go with his mom to pick him up.

Tomorrow Cassie goes to see her where her classes are and get her student ID.

glad it is her not way could I go back to high school!!

millers here she comes

Monday, August 07, 2006


Can we go here??? It looks cool, calm, and spacious.

Sunday mom and dad's air conditioner started acting up!!! not nice in my opinion, but who asked right?

Today is my Monday and tomorrow is my Friday of my workweek! yea! lots of things to do though to get my desk ready to take off for a few days.

gotta more later

Happiness is where we find it, but rarely where we seek it.

J. Petit Senn

Sunday, August 06, 2006


I may not have any kids but I have a niece that sometimes is as good as the real thing. She is good as gold sometimes. She has only a few days til school starts. The countdown is here, back to school, and she will be a freshman. She is going on a float trip Saturday, down the Illinois River, with church. Northwest Church of Christ is an important place for her right now and really likes it. She was baptized a couple of weeks ago there, and you can tell in her actions that she is a changed girl. They have a larger youth group at this church and I think this is something that she needed.


Well, I decided to start one and who knows what will come of this. I know, I found this by going to a friend of mine's husbands blog to see pictures of their new house... let's see how long this lasts...