Since i have been reminded that it has been over a month since i was last on here and needed to post here goes nothing!
We had a wonderful little snow and ice storm at the begining of the month. I made it to work both days thank you very much. Then a coworker tried to make me feel guilty because i made it and she and several others didn't. Excuse me, I didn't see them send the company name across the top or bottom of our tv screen so that means go to work. Company let us go home early the first day and fed us both days. Cassie and Kelly were both out of school so they got to play in it(cassie went sledding with a friend and well kelly refrained from making face first snow angels-long story).
Shortly after the snowstorm, i started house sitting for my adoptive mom. She went to Wyoming to see her youngest daughter graduate from college with her doctorate degree and then to help her move to Utah for her new job and to be with her thru the Christmas holiday.
So i should be home by New years!
Work has been a little crazy but going good,company was very good to us this year for Christmas, and we had a nice big company Employees Christmas party on tuesday of this week. For those that know her Janie wrote the skit and well let's just say it was hilarious. Acme Holiday decorating by Bots and Company
Mom had a birthday on the 14th. we all met and had dinner and then i came back up here and they went back that way and she opened her presents at home. i still haven't seen what all she has received. Then yesterday was the brat's birthday. She is my brat and always will be. The baby turned 15. 15 years ago it was sleeting and icing and snowing. 15 years ago you could get Arby's 5 roast beef sandwiches for $5. i know that is what we had the night she was born. has only gone up $0.95. She got a cell phone for her birthday. not so much for her to gab on but for peace of mind on our parts. we were having problems getting ahold of her when she was at certain friends and that can make you feel uneasy sometimes. She knows with this comes resposibility and if she abuses it then she is going to pay and pay dearly!!! It was funny because you and do a voice record on it and i had sung happy b-day to her (not great by the way) but then i realized you could use that as a ringer, so i set it up to use that and then put it on vibrate and then wrapped it. then when she was opening it grandpa, momma and i all were calling it and it started to ring and move-she about dropped it on the floor. it was so funny. then when she reallized what it was she started jumping up and down and dancing around and hooting and hollering. i think we hit a good gift.
4 more days of shopping madness. do you have yours all done? nope me neither. $$ has been tight for us this year so it is going to be slim pickens this year and besides for me it is never about the gifts. yes it is nice to receive them but it is so much better to be with my family and friends and know that the greatest gift ever given to anyone was done, so lovingly over 2000 years ago. That is all i need to have a good Christmas!
From our house to yours, thru the rain, thru the snow, thru the good and bad, where ever you go, know we wish you and yours the most Blessed of Christmas Season.
Merry Christmas and God's Blessings,
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