Saturday, August 12, 2006

weekend wonders

White Water Rafting Well Cassie's float trip was cancelled, so she isn't half-way drowning today. Instead she went to stay with her adoptive sisters till Sunday. Rhiannon's Birthday party is going on and she is half babysitting half having fun.

I finally got to sleep in after not being able to on my day's off. Thanks to Steffanie...yea!

Had to go Wednesday and help mom pick out a new fridge...theirs died...we had a funeral and birth of a new one. We had to say good bye to the Harvest Gold Refridgerator that was bought in 1977 when we moved into our house. That fridge and I have been thru so much ...Crying 2gonna miss it....

1 comment:

Mickey said...

actually almost 30-we bout it in 1977