It is a wonderful's also spitting snow, and tomorrow it is supposed to be in the 70's....Oklahoma weather for ya. My sister says that the mother nature in Oklahoma is off her meds and she is freakin out!
have a great weekend. i have some crafting i am going to do and hopefully post some pics...enjoy!
Auntie M's Life Journey
It's my Life, My loves, my laughs!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
oh my!
It has been too long. Tons have happened since I last posted on here. Life!
I have a new nephew-in-law. My sister has been diagnosed with cancer, and had surgery to remove said cancer. I went on a cruise with the bestest friend in the world. I made a crazy road trip with my niece and nephew to Florida....
I am going to try to do better... we will see.
I have a new nephew-in-law. My sister has been diagnosed with cancer, and had surgery to remove said cancer. I went on a cruise with the bestest friend in the world. I made a crazy road trip with my niece and nephew to Florida....
I am going to try to do better... we will see.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Independence day!!
yes I know it has been a long long long time since I posted. What can I sayI have been busy. Planning on two family reunions, father's day, Cassie starting drivers education, and well I just haven't felt like being on the computer.....
The rain has come down in such a way I feel I should check out the price of a paddle boat. I am on vacation til, Tuesday. I have to go and buy 14 loaves of bread and 100 hamburger buns for this weekend. My Family is going to have it's three day weekend out at Roman Nose. The t-shirts look good, and I hope everyone is happy with them. A co-worker helped me with the design. It shows three elephants walking, a large one, a medium one, and a little one running to catch up. And the shirt says "the Herd is coming!"

I proud to an American....we take so much for granted. We take our ability to complain about the smallest things to a high. So the traffic was bad, at least we have car(whatever we want-usually), so the line at the store was long, at least you can shop where you want(and have money to spend), so the man at the DMV was not as nice as he could have been, at least we have the right to drive and by living in this wonderful place we have the ability to not always be wonderful. That is one of our liberties, though some take advantage of it all of the time.
May each who reads be blessed, and know that only those that believe will receive the true blessings God has to offer.
The rain has come down in such a way I feel I should check out the price of a paddle boat. I am on vacation til, Tuesday. I have to go and buy 14 loaves of bread and 100 hamburger buns for this weekend. My Family is going to have it's three day weekend out at Roman Nose. The t-shirts look good, and I hope everyone is happy with them. A co-worker helped me with the design. It shows three elephants walking, a large one, a medium one, and a little one running to catch up. And the shirt says "the Herd is coming!"

I proud to an American....we take so much for granted. We take our ability to complain about the smallest things to a high. So the traffic was bad, at least we have car(whatever we want-usually), so the line at the store was long, at least you can shop where you want(and have money to spend), so the man at the DMV was not as nice as he could have been, at least we have the right to drive and by living in this wonderful place we have the ability to not always be wonderful. That is one of our liberties, though some take advantage of it all of the time.
May each who reads be blessed, and know that only those that believe will receive the true blessings God has to offer.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Happy Earth Day

Got Bulbs? After planting almost 150 bulbs, I am done planting. I have never done so much planting in all my life! Now I just hope that at least some of them come up! I have planted Lillium, Ranunculus, Tulips, Dahias, Creeping Phlox, Freesia, Columbine, Verbena, Dianuthus, Peonies, and Gladiolus. All of these to go with red roses, white roses, salmon roses, day lillies, and cannas.
Lots and lots of flowers...
Cassie is spending the night with a friend tonight. She and her mom both have been stopped up and crouping around due to allergies. I (knock on wood) haven't had any problems. Hopefully it will remain that way.
Hopefully with all of these flowers going in it won't effect mom and dad too terribly bad with their allergies... if not all of this work for nothing!!! Oh well, it was good for me to be able to get out there and do it if nothing than for myself.
I am doing good, i have already bought Kelly's birthday present. I am just waiting on it to be delivered. I am doing so good this year. Usually I am waiting til the very last minute to get something either because I don't have the money or I flat don't know what I should get her
Saturday, March 24, 2007
ahh a quiet weekend....
After last weekend anything would be better. Cassie went to Jenks to the aquarium with friends, I hooked up the DSL on the computer(Which did not go as "easy" as they said it would"), worked in the flowerbed a little more, and did a little browsing on the web.
I am getting ready to dig up some cannas to take to Alice, some for Crystal, and some for Julie. I like flowers....they remind me that God can do so much with just a little seed. Some of those seeds are so tiny and yet they make something so beautiful. Just as God, can take little ole me and lead me in a wonderful way to do or say something that only could come from Him.
Well we hope this post finds all that read this well, happy, and blessed. If you are not well, we will pray for you , if you are not happy, we will tell you a joke, and if you think you are not blessed you didn't read the first part of the sentence, because I will pray the Lord blesses you all.

Well we hope this post finds all that read this well, happy, and blessed. If you are not well, we will pray for you , if you are not happy, we will tell you a joke, and if you think you are not blessed you didn't read the first part of the sentence, because I will pray the Lord blesses you all.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
ok did you think I had vanished?
Nope no such luck. I have been extremely busy taking advantage of the wonderful weather the goodLord has shed on us and started getting my parents yard and flowerbeds looking beeeaaaauuuuttttiiiiffffffuuuulllll. ok so they aren't there yet but we are getting closer.
Plus we had to get a new keyboard for the computer. The other one had quit deleting when you hit the delete key and the space bar was sticking.
Ides of March. first thing most people think of is Shakespeare, Et tu Brutus...well not me. It would have been my grand-dad's birthday. Oh how I miss him. He was truly a special person, who had so much love and so much to offer. He was just one of those old farmers that could sit and tell you the same story over and over and I never got tired of hearing his voice. I would give anything to hear just one more story. I know one day I will hear his voice, and how sweet it will be.
I am supposed to go to Watonga on Saturday to meet with family to finish up discussions for our family reunion. I personally think, it will be one group planning it all and everyone else griping about how it was ran. That is the normal procedure. We hope this year's reunion will be better but who knows. Plus I have to get busy with the other family reunion I was volunteered to run. I had been procrastinating since iI need to do a letter and I knew using that old keyboard would hurt my hands. Guess I can't complain now or use that excuse any more. better get busy. huh?
Dad has a dr. appt finally with the arthritis clinic in May. He has been fighting with this for several months and the dr finally put in a request. He got his letter and I am taking off to go with him. If I eventually will be one of them to take care of him, I think I need to know what the Dr says.
Well I know it has been a long time since I posted, but I am still out here.
I promise to post more often.
Happy St. Patty's Day
Plus we had to get a new keyboard for the computer. The other one had quit deleting when you hit the delete key and the space bar was sticking.
Ides of March. first thing most people think of is Shakespeare, Et tu Brutus...well not me. It would have been my grand-dad's birthday. Oh how I miss him. He was truly a special person, who had so much love and so much to offer. He was just one of those old farmers that could sit and tell you the same story over and over and I never got tired of hearing his voice. I would give anything to hear just one more story. I know one day I will hear his voice, and how sweet it will be.
I am supposed to go to Watonga on Saturday to meet with family to finish up discussions for our family reunion. I personally think, it will be one group planning it all and everyone else griping about how it was ran. That is the normal procedure. We hope this year's reunion will be better but who knows. Plus I have to get busy with the other family reunion I was volunteered to run. I had been procrastinating since iI need to do a letter and I knew using that old keyboard would hurt my hands. Guess I can't complain now or use that excuse any more. better get busy. huh?
Dad has a dr. appt finally with the arthritis clinic in May. He has been fighting with this for several months and the dr finally put in a request. He got his letter and I am taking off to go with him. If I eventually will be one of them to take care of him, I think I need to know what the Dr says.
Well I know it has been a long time since I posted, but I am still out here.
I promise to post more often.
Happy St. Patty's Day
Sunday, January 28, 2007
January 28th
So many things on this day come to mind.
My adoptive mommy's birthday....Happy Birthday Jo!!
Challenger crash....still gives me chills. We watched it in school.
Went yesterday to spend the day with my friends up north. Can't tell you how much I needed that. Work has been draining me, and they gave me renewed hope and a chance at a better outlook...thanks :) I love you guys so much.

Next week, Feburary starts....then we have Valentine's day to look forward to. Cassie has a dance at school the Saturday before. She is going with her sweetheart, Tim. He is a good kid, most of the time. She gets aggrevated at him but I think that is because they are both still kids!!!
I need to seriously be working on a family reunion, that I was volunteered to ramrod. I have a letter started but need to finish it. Looks like that is what I need to concentrate on finishing.
til next time
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