yes I know it has been a long long long time since I posted. What can I sayI have been busy. Planning on two family reunions, father's day, Cassie starting drivers education, and well I just haven't felt like being on the computer.....
The rain has come down in such a way I feel I should check out the price of a paddle boat. I am on vacation til, Tuesday. I have to go and buy 14 loaves of bread and 100 hamburger buns for this weekend. My Family is going to have it's three day weekend out at Roman Nose. The t-shirts look good, and I hope everyone is happy with them. A co-worker helped me with the design. It shows three elephants walking, a large one, a medium one, and a little one running to catch up. And the shirt says "the Herd is coming!"

I proud to an American....we take so much for granted. We take our ability to complain about the smallest things to a high. So the traffic was bad, at least we have car(whatever we want-usually), so the line at the store was long, at least you can shop where you want(and have money to spend), so the man at the DMV was not as nice as he could have been, at least we have the right to drive and by living in this wonderful place we have the ability to not always be wonderful. That is one of our liberties, though some take advantage of it all of the time.
May each who reads be blessed, and know that only those that believe will receive the true blessings God has to offer.
The rain has come down in such a way I feel I should check out the price of a paddle boat. I am on vacation til, Tuesday. I have to go and buy 14 loaves of bread and 100 hamburger buns for this weekend. My Family is going to have it's three day weekend out at Roman Nose. The t-shirts look good, and I hope everyone is happy with them. A co-worker helped me with the design. It shows three elephants walking, a large one, a medium one, and a little one running to catch up. And the shirt says "the Herd is coming!"

I proud to an American....we take so much for granted. We take our ability to complain about the smallest things to a high. So the traffic was bad, at least we have car(whatever we want-usually), so the line at the store was long, at least you can shop where you want(and have money to spend), so the man at the DMV was not as nice as he could have been, at least we have the right to drive and by living in this wonderful place we have the ability to not always be wonderful. That is one of our liberties, though some take advantage of it all of the time.
May each who reads be blessed, and know that only those that believe will receive the true blessings God has to offer.