Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Where has the month gone?
I get to see Alice saturday at a stamp camp and then the month is gone!!
Oh last night we went to see Phillips, Craig, And Dean for a free concert at Mardel's in OKC. It truly was an awesome evening. Cassie was so starstruck. They signed auto-graphs and sang some old stuff along with some new stuff.very very very cool!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 18, 2006
Monday, Monday!!

We had a great weekend. Saturday was nice and warm, but then Sunday was a nice rainy, cool day! A day you could just cat-nap away!! I am so ready for cooler weather.
I should be working on my mailing list for one of the family reunions next summer. This list is for the one I am doing all by my lonesome. Why did I let uncle Randall talk me into doing this next one.....why?? oh yeah because i love my family!! actually I do.
I get to see two of my Girlfriends this weekend. Can't wait to see them. We have all kinds of fun stuff we are going to do...Can't wait to see them. Got plenty of stuff to tell them about work and family, and just can't wait to listen to them!
Cassie brought home her Blue and Gold sausage order form so I guess I get to take it to work to pass around. Fun for me right? well i will sign off for now.
Dear Lord,
Help lead me to do the things that will serve you best and not always serve me best. Help me to Enjoy my loved ones time while they are with me so that I may have memories to treasure when they are not with me. Help me understand Your word better so that I may work better for You. And help me be a better friend for all I come in contact with. Amen
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Down hill slide to the weekend!!

I can honestly say I am so glad the weekend is almost here. Work has been hectic this week.
I thank my lucky stars that I have a good job at a great company but wow! I have had a crash course filling in for one of the girls that has been sick. I am not ready for her to go on vacation yet!
Cassie should soon be selling Blue & Gold sausage products if anyone is interested!! will let you know more soon. have an awesome week!